I received this photo earlier this summer from Joy. It's of one of the old, Carniero, Kansas, stores. I love these old photos! here is a note from Joy.
I have roots in Carneiro and Kanopolis. In fact my dad was born there to John and Ethel Ulrickson. John, my grandfather was a blacksmith in the Salt Mine. I want to share with you one of the pictures I have identifying a building that may still exist in Carneiro. It was owned and run by O.B. Smith and Sons. I believe he also became a judge in the county of Carneiro. Time period - around the 1890-1900s.
I don't think this is the same store that is still standing in Carniero - which is featured on the cover of our book - Dead Towns of Central and Western Kansas - but it could be. Thanks so much, Joy! And if anyone else has some great old photos, don't hesitate to share.
Here's an earlier post from Carniero.
I went to church there several times in the 80's.