But Medora Has Faith - Seeking to locate missing man through clairvoyant
HER TIP WORKED ONCE And Medora Figures It Might Work Again In Finding Embezzler.
Medora's faith in clairvoyance Is
causing the search for George
Mitchell, missing manager of the Kansas
Lumber company at Medora, to be
conducted along psychic lines.
A committee from Medora, beaded
by tho father-in-law of the missing
man, who Is- just as anxious to got
his hands on him as the lumber company
is, went to Wichita yesterday
to consult a clairvoyant, in tho hope
of getting a lino on .Mitchell's whereabouts.
The clairvoyant advised them that
the missing .manager has gone to
Canada. Which has somewhat shaken
their faith In the pBychlc wireless
operator, tor any ordinary man would
guess Canada as a refuge of an tmbeszllng
caehler,' The committee returned
last night somewhat skeptical.
'The Clairvoyant's Tip.
The people at .Medora have been
strong lor t h e Wichita clairvoyant
ever since she tipped off where Axel
Johnson's sweetheart was hiding,
after a lover's quarrel.
. Axel Johnson was second trick operator
at the.Rock Island station at
'Medora, and lie loved Nettle Thurnian,
a pretty Medora . maid. After their
•little quarrel she went away on a visit
and ho didn't fcuow where she had
gone. Axel went to Wichita, consulted
Madam-Somethlng-or-other, and she
advlsod him to try "Jola." He did
and found Nettio there. They came
to Hutchinson, Were wed a n d ' a r e living
happily-ever after. But that, of
course, has Both lug to do with the
missing Medora manager mystery.
Was Modal Young. Man. '
George Mitchell lias been manager
of the Kansas Lumber company business
at Medorn for two years. Ho
enmo to Mcdorafrom Bmporla, where
bis parents live.
Ho was regarded ;is a model young
business man, went In the best circles,
was highly regarded, and married the
daughter) of a 'prominent Medora merchant.
Now ho la gone, his aocounts are
short, it Is alleged; and he loaves his
wife on a sick bed and helpless, with
a little child to care for.. i .
The invt'H_tigattoiii:beliig mado Into
his accounta'.'By'.tfi'e Company Bhows
it la alleg'ej. tnat the shortage is fully
$500 andmay bo much more.
-Sheriff K. C. Beck Is' sending out
hundreds of photographs and description
cards In an attempt to locate the
missing manager, who "will be prosecuted
for embezzlement.
I was born in 1950 and grew up in Medora. Since they have changed the main roads, it's hard to even find my way back to see my old home there.